Have request or need to know more, contact usPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name in English *FirstLastName in Arabic *FirstLastPhone number *Gender: *MaleFemaleID Number *Email *Martial status *T-shirt Size *Home Address *Upload ID copy front & back * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Emergency full contact name *FirstLastTheir relation to you *Their Phone number *Language Fluency: *EnglishFrenchGermanSpanishOthersEnglishExcellentvery goodGoodFairFrenchExcellentvery goodGoodFairGermanExcellentvery goodGoodFairspanishExcellentvery goodGoodFairOthersExcellentvery goodGoodFairMention the other languageCurrent Education *Graduation year *Our Vision is Added-value to individuals, business and community & Our Mission is Empowering people to think, work and live in a better way by acquiring new ideas and practices can be applied in all matters of life. *I Agree.As our staff is engaged in activities and highly involved with children and families in the Egyptian community, we need to be aware of any previous criminal record so that we can protect the community we are impacting. Please be honest and have integrity with your answer *I Agree on terms aboveHave you ever been convicted of a crime or violation? *Have you ever been disciplined or dismissed from any volunteer/employment position for any reason? *Have you ever been involved or accused of child abuse? *I am adaptable and flexible to change. Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good with people Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:Iam dependable Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am a good team player Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I have a good sense of responsibility Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at expressing myself Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at handling confrontation Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at at working upfront ( Leading others ) Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am a good planner Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at challenging myself Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at obeying authorities. Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at working with children Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:I am good at working with adults Selected Value: 0 Rate from 1-10 as follows:Tell us things you would like us to know about yourself, such as accomplishments, etc. *What are your weakness & Strengths points? (List 3 points) *Do you consume alcohol? *Do you smoke any substances? *Do you have any medical problems that would affect your role in the camp? *Upload your CV * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. CommentSubmit Light House Training and Consultancy (LHTC) Head Office: 19 Block 18F, Wadi Degla Street , Zahraa Maadi, Cairo Tel:+2027318107 Tel:+201204124292 info@lighthouse-tc.com