workshop Evaluation FREE Online Session Visual Social Media Engagement Strategies 17 May 2023 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name الاسمPhone رقم التليفونEmailCompany الشركةTitle الوظيفة / المهنةPlease, rate this training workshop Where is (1) Accepted, (2) Good, (3) Very Good, (4) Excellent.برجاء تقييم ورشة التدريب بحيث ان (1) مقبول؛ (2) جيد؛ (3) جيد جدا؛ (4) ممتازThe training objectives for each topic were identified / أھداف البرنامج التدریبى واضحة *1234The content was organized and easy to follow / محتویات البرنامج منظمة بشكل جید وسھلة الفھم *1234The Presentation was pertinent and useful / المادة المقدمة ذو صلة وثيقة بالموضوع و مفيدة *1234The delivered Training was important, useful and can be applied in work and personal life / المواضيع المقدمة فى التدريب ھامة ومفيدة فى تطوير العمل والتطوير الشخصى لى *1234The trainer was knowledgeable / المحاضر لدیه معرفة وافیة والإستفادة كانت جیدة *1234The used examples in the training were clear and useful / استخدام الأمثلة العملیة فى التدریب واضحة وكافیة ومفیدة *1234Class participation and interaction were encouraged / التشجیع على التفاعل والمشاركة خلال التدریب *1234Adequate time was provided for questions and discussion / وجود وقت كافى للأسئلة والمناقشة *1234I would like to recommend that others attend this training / أوصى الأخرین بحضورھذا التدریب *1234How do you rate the training overall? / تقییم البرنامج التدریبى بشكل عام *1234What was the most valuable thing you learned durinng this training ? ؟ ما ھو الشئ الاكثر قیمة الذى تعلمته خلال ھذا التدریبLooking to attend upcoming related topics with the lecturerNegative Social Media Visual Posts and How to deal with them (2 hours online session)Former customers’ role in online networks (2 hours online session)Negative reviews and how to deal with them (2 ours online session)Other topics (please specify below)Other topics (please specify)Other Comments / Recommendation ملاحظات وإقتراحاتLooking to customized workshop in marketing or related topics for my companyYes, request a call or a meeting to discuss moreNo, Thank youLooking to customized training workshop (other than marketing) for my companyYes, request a call or a meeting to discuss moreNo, thanksEmailSubmit