Latest Past Events

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving 2 Days workshop Overview: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. Workshop Objectives: Increase awareness of problem solving steps and solving tools. Distinguish root causes from symptoms to identify the right solution…

Writing Business Case

Writing Business Case (One Day workshop) How to build a business case? One day training Workshop on how to build/write a business case, including writer recommendation. It is often best written last, when you’re clear about your recommended course of actions, and why. Remember that some decision-makers may only read the executive summary, so you…

PMP Workshop

Project Management Workshop (PMP) 1 Hour Training Workshop July 21 Overview: Project management workshops is hands-on course gives participants the skills to ensure their projects are completed effectively and efficiently on time and budget. Participants will gain a strong working knowledge of the basics of project management and be able to immediately apply it to…