Post-assessment Knowledge - Training Evaluation Form Secours Catholique Caritas France (SCCF) Moodle Technical Training Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameEmailTitleDepartmentبعد حضور التدريب - برجاء المشاركة بمعرفتك الشخصية عن النقاط التالية تقييم بحيث ان (1) لا يوجد خبرة ؛ (5) خبرة وتطبيق عملى متقدم1. Learning Management Systems and Moodle - Understanding of learning management systems. *123451. Learning Management Systems and Moodle - Familiarity with Moodle system *123452. Moodle Navigation - Navigation through Moodle interface *123452. Moodle Navigation - Understanding of Moodle's structure *123453. User Account Management - Creating and managing user accounts in Moodle *123453. User Account Management - Uploading users using CSV files *123454. Moodle Roles and Permissions - Understanding of Moodle's role-based access *123454. Moodle Roles and Permissions - Managing permissions in Moodle *123455. Course Management - Adding and managing courses in Moodle *123455. Course Management - Understanding of course settings and configurations *123456. Course Appearance and Blocks - Customizing the appearance of courses in Moodle *123456. Course Appearance and Blocks - Managing blocks in Moodle *123457. Enrollments and Groups - Managing enrollments in Moodle *123457. Enrollments and Groups - Creating and managing groups in Moodle *123458. Moodle Administration - Installing and managing themes and plugins *123458. Moodle Administration - Customizing language settings in Moodle *123459. Resources and Activities - Adding and managing resources and activities in Moodle *123459. Resources and Activities - Formatting pages using Moodle's rich text editor *1234510. Assignment Management - Creating and setting up assignments in Moodle *1234510. Assignment Management - Grading and providing feedback in Moodle *1234511. Question Banks - Creating and managing question banks in Moodle *1234511. Question Banks - Importing and exporting questions *1234512. Quizzes - Creating quizzes in Moodle *1234512. Quizzes - Setting quiz options and restrictions *1234513. Interactive Content - Embedding multimedia content in Moodle *1234513. Interactive Content - Creating interactive lessons and presentations *1234514. Resources - Uploading and organizing files in Moodle *1234514. Resources - Creating content pages *1234515. Attendance Tracking - Tracking and managing student attendance in Moodle *1234515. Attendance Tracking - Generating attendance reports *1234516. Certificates - Designing and issuing certificates in Moodle *1234516. Certificates - Setting certificate criteria and templates *1234517. Moodle Blocks - Understanding various Moodle blocks and their functionality *1234517. Moodle Blocks - Customizing blocks for personalized learning experiences *1234518. Gamification - Gamifying the learning experience with Moodle tools *1234518. Gamification - Implementing badges, points, and leaderboards *12345برجاء المشاركة بتقييمك الشخصي عن التدريب بحيث (1) الاقل تقييما بينما (4) هو الاعلى تقييما Please, rate this training workshop Where is (1) Accepted, (2) Good, (3) Very Good, (4) Excellent.The training objectives for each topic were identified / أھداف البرنامج التدریبى واضحة *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentThe content was organized and easy to follow / محتویات البرنامج منظمة بشكل جید وسھلة الفھم *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentThe Presentation was pertinent and useful / المادة المقدمة ذو صلة وثيقة بالموضوع و مفيدة *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentThe delivered Training was important, useful and can be applied in work and personal life / المواضيع المقدمة فى التدريب ھامة ومفيدة فى تطوير العمل والتطوير الشخصى لى *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentThe trainer was knowledgeable / المحاضر لدیه معرفة وافیة والإستفادة كانت جیدة *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentThe used examples in the training were clear and useful / استخدام الأمثلة العملیة فى التدریب واضحة وكافیة ومفیدة *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentClass participation and interaction were encouraged / التشجیع على التفاعل والمشاركة خلال التدریب *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentAdequate time was provided for questions and discussion / وجود وقت كافى للأسئلة والمناقشة *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentI would like to recommend that others attend this training / أوصى الأخرین بحضورھذا التدریب *(1) Accepted(2) Good(3) Very Good(4) ExcellentOther Comments / Recommendation ملاحظات وإقتراحاتEmailSubmit