Plan Your Safety Day
It's day to learn and have fun
Plan Your Safety Day
A day to network and collaborate for a beneficial excited learning journey.
It is a top notch, unique, well-developed and planned safety day. It is full of joyful learning experiences making this event memorable through learning your employees in different ways which they will never imagine nor forget.
It is a Rally day for gaining more knowledge in occupational health and safety from a Chartered Safety & Health Practitioner.
This is a one-stop-shop for safety refreshment. Creating a safety culture in the workplace can be difficult but this event will provide the tools necessary to start implementing an effective safety and health program in the workplace.
Whether you’re organizing a public event or a company gathering of any type, or celebrating ILO international safety day (28th of April), Safety Rally Day is the right choice for you with a wide variety of options complemented with an array of gamification features adding excitement and fun while covering many health and safety topics at your workplace.
Gamification is the use of game elements and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems.

This program includes essential activities as well as customized activities based on your organization industry, needs & challenges