Figures Talk
Analyze the data for better decision-making

August 12, 13

Figures Talk

2 Days Training Workshop 

12, 13 Aug.

Nov. 18, 19


Companies in every industry can benefit from quality data analysis. The insights that data analysts bring to an organization are valuable to management who are willing to respond to the findings and better address problems, meet demand and satisfy their customers or clients.

Every industry needs people who look at all different facets of data, understand what they are looking at and offer insight into how a company can make changes based on what they have discovered.

Refine your ability to work with messy, complex datasets. You’ll learn to manipulate and prepare data for analysis, and create visualizations for data exploration.

Generally speaking, a data analyst will retrieve and gather data, organize it and use it to reach meaningful conclusions.


  • To help in comprises the analysis technologies and processes that measure, manage, and analyze sales data.
  • Having a deeper understanding of the sales data you collect and what that data means.
  • Help sales teams understand and make more effective decisions about prospects and customers, product lines, market opportunities, and sales team performance.
  • Provides an understanding of the products that your customers are buying and helps you dissect why they are behaving in a certain way.
  • Find patterns in your lead conversions and drop offs. All of these aspects
  • Enable in optimizing sales process.


  • Intuition behind probability and statistical analysis
  • How to summarize and describe data
  • A basic understanding of various methods of evaluating social programs
  • How to present results in a compelling and truthful way
  • Skills and tools for using data analysis
  • How to understand sales and marketing in different business models?
  • How to optimize it?
  • Where to look for savings and improvements?


  • What is data analytics?
  • What are the business benefits of data analytics?
  • Business Analysis
  • Focus on systematic growth.
  • Analyze sales and marketing in different industries
  • Improve sales force efficiency
  • Increase profits by optimizing sales and marketing
  • Improve sales services and its techniques
  • What is the difference between options and scenarios?

Date: 12, 13 Aug. 2024

Duration: 2 Days workshop

Time: 10:00AM - 04:00PM



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