Micro-Learning For Corporate

One Free Session

It's the season of giving

From our side we would like to present a limited time offer to the companies that we didn’t have the chance to work together and our gift is one free micro learning session.

This offer is presented to only 10 companies, you can choose from the alternatives below

About Micro-Learning

Modern workplace learning consider Micro-Learning as a great approach because it’s effective, engaging, and appeals to learners.

Corporates can use it as a stand-alone solution for learning. It can also support and augment longer e Learning courses and even face-to-face learning.

It is widely used especially for the corporate which their team doesn't have much time to attend a full training program.
However, it won't fit for all learning topics.

A single micro-Learning module should tackle one topic that focuses on a single skill as it is not meant to provide a comprehensive or detailed learning experience

It is skills-based training that is delivered in “bite-sized” units that can be quickly completed.

Researchers have proven that micro-learning's targeted also it helps users to absorb, retain & recall information better than longer format training does.

A magnifier glass is placed in front of a cube which indicates micro learning

Why Micro-Learning ?

Micro learning can be used to equip the employees with short and concise learning workshops for specific topics such as working from home etiquette or some other engagement activities related to the company values or other specific skills. Micro learning conducted in a high level of engagement and interaction.

Micro learning used also to engage the employees’ families with interesting topics related to the family and kids, such as dealing with stress, or communicate effectively with your kids.

To arrange and show caring about employees’ families will result in increasing the moral and loyalty for the employees.

Micro learning can be conducted face to face or virtually based.

We use Micro learning to conduct: 

  1. Interactive Workshop  (8 to 12 participants)
  2. Awareness Session  (12 to 25 participants)
  3. Webinar  (up to 50 participants)

Samples of Micro Learning:

  • Dealing with offense (For Employees)
  • Set Yourself Up to Success (For Employees)
  • Email Writing Etiquette (For Employees)
  • Managing stress & Anxiety (For Employees & Families)
  • Five Languages of love (For Families)
Micro-Learning free session for corporate