Mind mapping

Mind mapping workshop (One day workshop)   Workshop Summary and Objectives:   Mind Maps help you to learn, organize, and store as much data as you want, and to classify…

Talent Management

Talent Management 2 Hours Training Workshop July 13 Workshop Outlines: Successful organizations cultivate and retain top talent. An organization that has a structured talent management strategy will invariably excel in…

Strategic Business Planning

Hilton Ramsis Hilton Ramses, Sharkas, Boulaq, Egypt

Course Overview: This workshop aims to provide business leaders and management team with vital insights about the extreme importance of shaping the future of their industry / corporate / subsidiary.…

Professional Business Writing

Professional Business Writing (2 days training workshop) Workshop Summary and Objectives: The Business Writing workshop will teach participants the techniques and standards of business writing as an important means of…

Strengths Based Leadership

Leaders Anatomy Strengths Based Leadership (2 Days Workshop) Training Overview: Good News, you can be a great leader. However, you will not be as one of the well known leaders…