Talent Review Management

Talent Review Management (One day training workshop) Overview: Talent Review Management is about how to hire, retain, and develop the most talented and skilled employees. It is vital to manage and keep sufficient internal talented employees inside the organization and prepare potential calibers to be ready for critical roles. Talent Review Process: The most common…

Professional Business Writing

Professional Business Writing (2 days training workshop) Workshop Summary and Objectives: The Business Writing workshop will teach participants the techniques and standards of business writing as an important means of communication. This workshop is focused on introducing tactics, developing writing skills, avoiding common mistakes and using standard expressions in formal writing. Workshop Content:   Why…

Emotional Intelligence

Triumph Hotel Triumph Hotel, Mansheya El-Bakry, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Emotional Intelligence (2 Days workshop) Overview Objectives: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a must  in attaining success in our lives and careers Emotional Intelligence is the ability to: Recognizing  your own emotions will enable you to manage your responses. understanding the emotions of others will help you  respect them and to build healthy relationships with them.…

Sales Negotiation Skills

Triumph Hotel Triumph Hotel, Mansheya El-Bakry, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Sales Negotiation Skills (2 Days workshop) Overview and Objectives: Negotiating is essential in resolving differences. Negotiations successes when real and perceived differences are adjusted while keeping credibility, customer value, and profit margins. Even if the salesperson has properly qualified and was able to manage their client expectations precisely, the deal could still end in a…

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Triumph Hotel Triumph Hotel, Mansheya El-Bakry, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Customer Relation Management (CRM) (2 days training workshop) Overview: CRM has vital role for any company looking for superior performance and successful expand. This workshop not just for sales and customer service staff but also for all company’s workforce, as they learn how to relate and connect all management and staff effort together in order…