Discover Your Passion

Discover Your Passion 2 Hours Virtual Training July 31 Training Overview: The real start of success in life is to find your passion. So if You want your life to…

HR Budget

HR Budget 2 Days Training Workshop Aug. 4, 5 Training Overview: The most important assets for any business are Human resources (people). Human Resources Management is one of the vital…

Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting

Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting 2 Days Training Workshop Aug. 18, 19 Workshop Overview & Objectives: This workshop focuses on the budgeting process in a business and its relation with the…

Social and Emotional Intelligence

Social and Emotional Intelligence (2 Days workshop) Overview and Objectives Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a must  in attaining success in our lives and careers Emotional Intelligence is the ability to:…

Conflict Resolution Management

Conflict Resolution Management 2 Days Training Workshop Sep. 8, 9 Workshop Overview: Conflict is an inevitable part of our lives but how we view it and how we deal with…